The Chief Justice of Allahabad Court, Justice Ferdino Rebello on Saturday inaugurated the Cuncolim Union Club House and sports complex in the presence of Chief Minister Digambar Kamat, local MLA and Urban Development Minister, Joaquim Alemao, Cuncolim Municipal Council, Devendra Dessai and GFA’s senior vice-president and Cuncolim Union president, Elvis Gomes at Duplea Xeth, Cuncolim, Saturday.
Justice Rebello pointed out that Indian football is remaining static, despite the presence of foreigners and players from abroad. “The football authorities did right in starting the I-League on a professional line, but despite the presence of players from foreign countries, the standard of Indian football did not rise to the level it should be.”
Justice Rebello felt that education and football culture should be raised. “Education is the basic necessity for ever citizen and alongwith football which is close to the heart of every Goan. “Efforts should made by the clubs and institutions to raise their standard. Education as well as football have abundant scope and we should think about it throughout.”
Justice Rebello, who was born and raised in Cuncolim, was the former president of Cuncolim Union, which is one of the oldest club in the State.
“I am very happy that Cuncolim Union has its own house. It is very heartening that present president Elvis Gomes, ex-committee members and the present committee worked hard to achieve the goal. Promoting sports facilities in the villages should be a duty and I am glad that Cuncolim Union will be providing good facilities to the villagers, which will help youngsters to excel in sports,” stated Justice Rebello.
Chief Minister, Digambar Kamat congratulated Cuncolim Union for constructing the building on its own and was happy that the building was inaugurated at the hands of a son of the soil and former president of the club. He, however, added that today to get a ground is very difficult but Cuncolim Union were lucky to get land which was donated by the owner from Chandor free of cost and wished the club good success in the coming years.
Earlier, president of the club, Elvis Gomes welcomed. Purnanad Chari compered. Ramesh Dessai proposed the vote of thanks. - Heraldo
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